EASTER SERVICES THIS WEEK: GOOD FRIDAY (9:00-9:45am)  and  EASTER SUNDAY (10:00-11:30am)

Wednesday Webwatch (16/6/21)


MIDLIFE, CHRIST IS: Jared Wilson considers some of the challenges and blessings of midlife. “I turn 46 this year, loosely ensconced in my middle-age years, on the downhill slope to 50. I’ve thought a lot about this season of life, primarily from the standpoint of committing to passing the baton and investing in the Church’s younger generations. But I’ve also thought a lot about the peculiarities of this season of life, how for many it holds such uneasiness and insecurity.”

WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?: I really enjoyed this article by Barbara Harper which encourages us with the perspective of eternity. "I need the reminder that this life isn’t all there is. Imagine a rope stretched out east and west farther than we can follow, and let it represent eternity. The piece of the rope in front of us is taped off for a few inches. That taped part would represent the whole of life on earth for all time compared to eternity. Time is short. Eternity is long".

SAVOUR EACH SUNDAY SERVICE: This is a welcome encouragement to make the most of every opportunity to gather together as the church, knowing that each service is unique. “Every time your local Church gathers, it is an unrepeatable, unique day God sovereignly ordained for the praise of His glory and for your good.”

THIS WEEK'S FREE E-BOOK- IDENTITY THEFT: A reminder that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is giving away a free e-book every week over the next few months. This week is a book by various female authors on who we are in Christ. "In 10 chapters we’ll cover everything from our identity as children of God to citizens of heaven. At the end of each chapter, study questions will facilitate group discussion as you consider this glorious truth with your friends. Join us as we explore how knowing who we are in Christ changes every aspect of our lives."

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