Everyone is welcome at St Ives Community Church - Whether you've never been to church before, or you've been going to church your whole life. We recognise that going somewhere new can be an uncertain experience, so we would love to let you know some of what you can expect when you visit us on a Sunday.

Our church is non-denominational - we see ourselves as a multigenerational community of believers who gather to be mutually encouraged by one another, and the Word of God as it is taught, prayed, and sung. The atmosphere is informal and relational - we really enjoy being together!

At a glance...

10:00am            Welcome, Announcements and Woship in Song
                           Teaching Time
                           Prayer and Communion Time  

11:30am              Morning Tea

Church Family Lunch following service (1st Sunday each month)


More info...

What happens during the service?

While the order and timings may vary, there are some things common to all of our church services.

God's people are a singing people- we generally do a mixture of timeless hymns and more contemporary songs of praise. We have someone lead the church in a time of prayer to God. Occasionally we will hear testimonies from believers- church members, missionaries or other guests.

We hear the Bible read and preached (the sermon usually goes for around 30 minutes). Our children generally attend concurrent groups during the teaching time.

Prayer and Communion time is an opportunity for followers of Jesus to remember and give thanks for His life, death and resurrection. This often begins with a brief introduction, followed by a time of open contribution, where anyone is welcome to offer words, prayers, or readings for encouragement. This leads into a time of remembering the Lord's Supper, taking bread and grape juice together.

After the service, we have a time of fellowship together over morning tea. This is served in the downstairs hall.

What participation is required?

All of this might be unfamiliar to you and that's okay - you're welcome to just watch and listen in, and nothing is expected of you. We want you to feel welcome without fear of being asked to do anything you're uncomfortable with. Of course, while you can remain as anonymous as you want to be, we encourage you to introduce yourself to us - we'd love to meet you.

What opportunities are there to meet others?

There are always helpful people around before and after the service to talk with. You are very welcome to join us for morning tea downstairs after the service, and for lunch on the first Sunday of each month.

We have mid-week bible studies meeting at various times and venues. Please ask if you are interested in attending a group. More Events or age-related activities can also be found under the 'CONNECT' tab on the top banner of the website.

Are children welcome?

Absolutely! Church is for people of all ages. We have a 'Kids Church' for Primary school-aged children. This takes place during our teaching time.

Kids and adults join together for our prayer and communion time, and then the children go to their groups. They are well cared for by leaders, who have all received child protection training. You are of course welcome to sit in on the children's programs and watch what happens. For more info please check out our Children & Youth page.

What should I wear?

We have no set dress code: whatever you are comfortable wearing is absolutely fine.


Our church has plenty of parking, including a number of dedicated disabled/accessible car spaces. There is wheelchair access and an internal lift between the main and the lower halls.